Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh Perspective, Up Yours!!

I do need some X-Ray Spex.  (See what I did there?  Eh?)

This weekend is going to be bizarretown for sure.  First year with no Karaoke Kritsmits in like, 6 years except for the year we got snowed out.  That's just the way it goes, I suppose.  *lesigh*

I wish my life would come back from the Twilight Zone. 

I joined Weight Watchers.  According to the "How Fat Are You" test I took, I need to lose 74 lbs to be at the very tippy top of my healthy weight range.  I feel like this would make me look like a stick with ass attached.  Although it would actually put me where I weighed when Z and I got married, and that wouldn't be too bad.

I want to make cookies like this one I stole from the internets. 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I think I'm going to diagnose myself with Seasonal Affective Disorder.  I have depression year round (of course, duh) but this time of year I just can't shake myself of the gloomies.  Last winter was kind of epic as far as me being a crazy person and this year is not the same, but still...I have a hard time smiling.  Or getting up the gumption to do social things.  Or feeling bad for bailing on said social things.  And recognizing it does little to change it. 

It might also be that out of this entire shit year, December does NOT want to be left out and is doing its best to outdo the rest of the months.  Le sigh. 

On a happy note, my meth head neighbor came to bum a cigarette from me this morning and his index and middle fingers were BLACK.  I assume from smoking meth, but I've really only "hung out" with people who would shoot meth, and that wasn't exactly on a regular basis.  :)  He also asked if they were doing okay with the parking situation, because they don't want to piss me off.

That's RIGHT they don't. 

Watch out, meth heads.  I will bring down the hammer of parking JUSTICE on yo' asses! 

Sometimes you just need a reminder