Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This has been a strange, unpleasant sort of week so far. 

We lost a good man last Friday.  I have never met a couple who had so much love for each other.  She changed her life and lovingly gave everything she had (and more) to make his short life better.  And it wasn't because she felt she had to.  It was love in its best, rarest form. 

In my own selfish little's not even worth mentioning.  I hope someday, someone loves me as much as Jules loves Jerome.  For now, I will stand in awe of her and her strength. 

1 comment:

  1. Friend:

    While I can offer no advice that will whisk away certain doubts or pains that you may have, I will offer up some truths that I have learned over the years.

    Being "sensitive" or being "in love" can trap one in a position where it's difficult to do what is best and sometimes; impossible. We're all guilty of leading with our hearts every now and then and hoping for the best, but sometimes we must deal with the consequences of those choices when they turn for the worse but it shouldn't deter you, because that same heart leading you now, will get you where you need to be one day.

    We hopeless romantics must stop over analyzing things, we can't turn over each stone to see if the reason lyes beneath. We must recognize what we have right in front of us, good friends, good family and a lot time to make all these bad things, turn into unbelievably good things. Bringing with us everyday the past let downs or past griefs only prolongs the wait but it's a stage we all must endure, some will take longer than others but we all get to the finish line sooner or later.

    Good things are coming your way, I firmly believe that.

    Always reading
