Thursday, December 22, 2011

Oh Perspective, Up Yours!!

I do need some X-Ray Spex.  (See what I did there?  Eh?)

This weekend is going to be bizarretown for sure.  First year with no Karaoke Kritsmits in like, 6 years except for the year we got snowed out.  That's just the way it goes, I suppose.  *lesigh*

I wish my life would come back from the Twilight Zone. 

I joined Weight Watchers.  According to the "How Fat Are You" test I took, I need to lose 74 lbs to be at the very tippy top of my healthy weight range.  I feel like this would make me look like a stick with ass attached.  Although it would actually put me where I weighed when Z and I got married, and that wouldn't be too bad.

I want to make cookies like this one I stole from the internets. 


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