Friday, April 22, 2011

Kick and Scratch (Figuratively, of course)

Anyone who has been to my house knows that I do not have a driveway, per se.  It's a parking lot, large enough to hold 4 or 5 cars, depending on how badly we park, in the alley behind my house.  One one side of me is a house and on the other side is a converted house made into apartments.  The people in the house are awesome.  They blast their bad music, have 7 teeth among them, offer to share their bbq, and trim my trees. 

The apartment dwellers are another story.  The place seems to be a revolving door of....well, trash.  I don't think these people even stay long enough to get evicted.  Great for people watching.  Not so great for living near.

A new crop came in a few months ago.  Generally quiet but with an edge of annoying.  For some reason they have decided that my parking area, because we don't use all spots all the time, are open for them to park their cars.  Roommate and I have both come home from work several times to find our spots taken.  Wednesday night I got home to find a large truck parked damn near on top of roomie's car.  It was still there Thursday morning, complete with my (very nice) note on its windshield.

Now, you might say, what's the big deal?  You don't use all the spots. 

Nope sure don't.  But I sure as shit OWN all the spots.  And if my parking area were driveway shaped, I highly doubt they would be parking in it.

Last night, Roommate got home and sent me a text saying "Boy, they sure like parking in our spots."


I put on my flip flops, walked out in the rain and saw a green car parked VERY close to my car with two occupants inside.  I walked up to the driver's window and waved.  Made the "roll down your fucking window" motion and waited as the kid inside looked very confused. 

Me:  "Can I help you with something?"
Kid:  "No."
Me:  "Then would you mind getting out of my parking lot?"
Kid:  "Sure."

I walked to my fence, turned around and waited a solid 3 minutes for him to start his car as he stared at me, I assume waiting for me to go inside.  Poor thing could barely back his piece of shit car out of the spot.  His girlfriend was laughing at me as they pulled away, and I'm sure I did look like the crazy bitch neighbor.  Someday, they'll have shitty neighbors they have to defend their space against.  Or more likely they'll be in jail and they'll have to shank someone to keep them out of their anus.  Either way, they'll understand.

Roommate and I posted my newly purchased "No Parking" signs.  Put the police station # in my phone just in case. 

Woke up to someone's Mountain Dew can in my driveway.

Little bastards.

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