Friday, November 4, 2011

Why WOULDN'T You Talk to a Complete Stranger Like This?

Conversation with a customer yesterday.  Paraphrased, because my memory is not that great. 

Judgy McJudgerson: If you knew then what you know now, would you still defile your body?

Me:  Uh...I don't think I've ever defiled my own body in my whole life.

Judgy:  You most certainly have.
            You don't know what the body is for, do you?

Me:  I guess I don't!

Judgy:  You're not a Christian...are you...

Me:  Um.  You have a good day, sir.

I wish I'd had something more clever as a response, but I'm just not comfortable discussing my religious beliefs or lack thereof with total strangers who are handing me money for services rendered.  (Trash service, perverts.)  But it was an EXCELLENT start to my Thursday evening. 

Picture time!  We'll just keep on with the inappropriacy (it's a word) trend. 

I think the woman holding this baby is missing a leg!!

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