Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tomooooorrow, tomoooooroooow

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready to get out of town this weekend.  Oklahoma promises sunshine, Suzy Q, karaoke, and freedom from thought.  BFF and I are going to sing together!  As long as I don't puss out.  And we get some practice time in the car.

This day makes me ridiculously excited for spring and summer.  February is more than half over.  Soon, I can plant bushes and flowers and hostas.  I can take the wonky cabinet outside to paint.  I can take Luna out for walks and perhaps shed some of this fabulous ass.  And of course ladder golf, porch time, sprinklers, sweat, sing-a-longs, YURT, craft nights outside, campfires, concerts, and all of the amazing things we do when the weather is amenable.   

I'm ready to think about something other than this thing I think about all the time.  I wish it was as easy as making up my mind.  I know for some people that's how it goes.  I sincerely wish I was one of those people.  Until that happens, I will look forward to the rest of this gorgeous year, whatever it may hold.                                                         

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