Friday, January 6, 2012

My Brain Visits the Past

I have recurring dreams.  They are never the same dream over and over, but a theme.  They always used to involve my first husband, and me trying to get back together with him.  In the dreams I was living at my mom's house.  Except the one where we went on an adventure and got chased by a shark in a swimming pool. 

The last few weeks, I've been dreaming about high school.  This is a recurring theme for me as well, but not very often.  Last night I had two.

In the first one, it was graduation time!  Everyone was so excited.  The ex-bff and I decided to infiltrate the rival high school to see how they were doing with their graduation rates.  We went at lunch time and to our surprise, everyone that we thought went to our high school was at the other school.  And they didn't graduate for 3 more weeks. 

We felt very superior. 

We decided to check out how their lunchroom compared to ours.  To put it mildly, it was abysmal.  They had hot dogs crisp.  SO lower middle class.  But they were giving out samples, so that was interesting.  They also had a salad bar.

Really, Rival High School?  A salad bar?  In 1997?

And, as dreams do, it ended there.  I woke up at 4 AM, watched some Andy Griffith and eventually fell back asleep.

High school dream #2 was not so full of me feeling superior.

Once again, it was graduation time.  I was feeling very confident in my ability to leave high school, until I realized that I had basically skipped the entire last semester.  I decided to show up to the 2nd to last day of school to gauge my standing.  I had forgotten my locker combination so I had none of my books, and the teacher who replaced my math teacher gave me a 6 foot easel to carry that I lost. 

(I love dreams.  They don't have to make any sense at all.)

I got to English class only to be ridiculed by my professor for not having my book.  Or knowing anything about what was going on.  So, after class I figured fuck it and went home.

At home, both of of my sisters were in town for Christmas!  My parents were married and we were all living in the house I grew up in.  My niece Zoe was attempting to distract me, but being the observant person that I am, I noticed that my bedroom was completely pink.  My father redecorated my room as my present.  Pink carpet, pink bed, pink matched luggage.  I was soooooo happy, I could've died.

And then Dolly shit all over everything.  Giant, steamy piles of dog shit all over my childhood dreams. 


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